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It felt so good I felt my lips quiver, both sets. I didn’t want to climax until he was inside of me, so I took control. I pushed him onto our white leather couch and undid his belt as fast as I knew how to. I could already see the bulge of his 7” dick start to form through his black jeans. Once his belt was off and on the floor I began to unbutton and unzip his pants. He didn’t resist at all when I pulled them down and revealed his large thick cock. I licked my lips enough to get them very wet. ” And with that he dives in. I feel his rough tongue lick me from the bottom of my slit all the way to my clit, which he flicks. My hips buck and Danny grabs my upper thighs to still me. He raises his gaze just enough to look me in the eye and shake his head. He doesn’t want me to move. Then he grins again and goes back down. I’m having a hard time controlling my hips as he sucks in my pussy lips and runs his tongue over them. Then I feel that sinful organ slide roughly into my cunt, and I. ’ The taller of the clients got out of his seat and leaned in for a closer look. ‘Look at those tits, those lips, they must feel amazing wrapped around your cock?’ He looked me over like a piece of meat, as though I couldn’t hear him. Andrew’s response was muted, he raised his eyebrows in a gesture that didn’t exactly disagree with the client, but made it clear I was just a toy he paid little attention to. As per my instructions I posed upon the table for them. I started by leaning on my elbows. " She stood in my way so I couldn't follow. Obviously she wanted tosay something to me in confidence. But I had no confidences fromMarsha. Well, maybe she had something to ask me about Andy. Orabout our work, looking at sales figures and telling salespersonnel what we saw -- we'd discussed different analyticprocedures a few times.I watched Marsha proceed down their hall, turn right, and disappearinto their living room. "What you're doing, I think it's marvelous!" Pam said. "And I wantyou.
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