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If there are any mistakes please forgive me as I have been writing for the first time.The heroine of the story is Madhu, age 35 with a stats of 5.5″ height and 38, 36, 40 not that fair even not that dark. She is married, has 2 kids and has been working in a school.Just like everyone with a dick even I was in search of a girl to have some fun in bed. In that process, I have been searching in every possible way online. In that, I found a gaming application called Hago. On that, we can play games. The pain was incredible. I tried my best to block it out so that I could attempt to think of some way to make an escape.The huge beast took my head in its jaws and began gnawing on my skull. I could hear the teeth scraping against the plate of bones. What is that terrible sound, I remember thinking? Being in my head only amplified the sound. Along with the sickening sound, I also felt sharp pains. When I realized it was my own head; I almost passed out.A quiet voice told me to go limp."It will. George disengaged from struggling with his tie and stepped over to Helen standing in front of her mirror. As he took the tab of the zipper between his fingers he heard the sound of a glass bottle falling over on the dresser. ‘Oh, wait, George, I knocked over my bottle of cologne!’ Helen scolded herself. George knew that Helen seldom spilled anything unless she was nervous. He waited while she righted the offending bottle and blotted up the small amount of spilled cologne. As the scent filled. Its true then’ I said ‘Yes’ she giggled ‘is the bit about you having a big cock true as well?’ I made my mind up in about half a second, helped by the fact that my cock was starting to respond to Beryl’s closeness ‘Well if you want to know, you will have to do exactly as I say’ ‘I said it was true, so what do you want me to do’ she replied, looking straight into my eyes and smiling. ‘Firstly open your blouse so that I can see those big tits of yours, then take off my boxers and suck my cock’.
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