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They stopped calling me Greg or Gregory a while ago, but I was “Gregar” To them.Eugene the front door bouncer, would even let me pass by without queuing up at night.It had now been six months since my last story or adventure.On Thursdays it was crossdressing and tranny nights, which I enjoyed more than the full sausage fest night.I don’t know why but I did. From what started off as being one wild weekend of expelling my curiosity, became a weekly event with Luther.He fucked me silly for several. A couple of around 35yrs contacted me and were in desperate need of my help. I tried to get the details from them and readily offered my help in fulfilling any of their fantasy if possible.Hubby whose name was Ranjan meet me in a coffee shop in Saket (Delhi) and we both discussed a lot of things. He was actually worried as her wife Neeru had become very active in sex and her desires are growing on pacing speed but this was not a problem and I feel couples enjoys the best part of their sex lives. Let the damned marmot dig a new one.When the hole was full, I leaned back against the tree and took another long drink of water. The canteen was still at my lips when I heard the hawk’s lonesome scream.Traveling: My BabyI still had the canteen to my lips when I felt the rolling gait of my horse beneath me. I was following the directions that Cal gave me, stocking up in Casper and then moving cross-country into the mountains. I was back in Kyle’s body and let him do the driving as I settled into. I started to thrust into Sarah, long, hard and slow and she slowly began to gasp. I heard her plant her feet onto the dashboard and she began to lift her hips every time I thrust into her. We gradually increased the speed of our gyrations then her gasps turned to groans and she said “ oh yes cum inside me”I continued to pound her pussy hard, she was looking at the guy through the window furiously wanking his cock then I heard him let out a groan and his cum spurted from his cock. Sarah grabbed.
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