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I am at his mercy, tied up as he wants me. First the panty smothering, and then his cock and balls rubbing over my face, everywhere, and it is delightful. Soon I am in a frenzy, telling him he needs to fuck me rough. I am tasting the nectar of his throbbing cock, and sensing the scent of him in my nostrils.I shout that I want cock now, but no way will he submit until he has had his fun with me. He stretches my ass cheeks wide open, and lashes me with his open hand. I am feeling the sharp sting. " Budzinski addressed Wallace and Clark, "Gentlemen, this is Colonel Andrew Bryant, commander of First Battalion." Budzinski grimaced when he realized he had incorrectly addressed Clark as lieutenant instead of ensign."Please excuse the interruption," Bryant said to Wallace before turning his attention to Clark. "I understand that you have been on Azahar long enough to develop contacts with the people in charge of creating the accommodations here, Lieutenant."Clark nodded as he addressed. Oh shit licks me deep. Lick my wet cunt. I want you to feel my clit getting bigger. Do you see it coming out? That means your turn me on baby. Right…lick right there. Ohhhh Yes. Now pull on it with your lips right there. God your liking this. I can feel your cock getting harder in my hand. Your pre cum dripping down my hand now. Bet your cock extra sensitive now. Bet its getting real hard not to cum. Ahhh Yess…got your tongue is so good. It is driving me crazy, been a long time sense I got. I lock onto your eyes as I ease my cock out of you, only to replace it with my thumb. I have no shame and my eyes are telling you what is about to happen. This is not a request. Satisfied that my dick is covered in enough of your juices, my thumb returns to your asshole. I rub you insistently as I stare into your eyes. Suddenly, the rubbing turns to pushing. Your mouth opens in a combination of shock and lust as your body resists me. We both know you can’t resist for long. I’m right. Your tight.
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