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Jenny Fremont's dad, he's so sexy..." At this we both laughed. "I know, it's wrong! But, I can't help it" I looked up into her pretty face, her loving fingers pleasuring me. "Ummmm...also you. In my bed with me." I barely realized I said this last part out loud."Really? What happens with fantasy me?" I wake up and realize you are caressing my breasts and I play like I'm asleep. You touch me everywhere, but all I can think about is how much I want you to touch me down there." My eyes fell down. Mary was aghast at that, and made a determined effort to walk away. One of the men grabbed her left arm and tried to pull her into a nearby alley. She broke loose and demanded that they leave her alone.The other man pulled a knife and threatened Mary with it. That was enough! Mary pulled her gun and shot them both there on a Los Angeles street. When they fell, she shot each one again in the head to make sure that they were dead. At this time, a deputy marshal came running up and demanded to. „We do have some time left, before we've got to go“, he said, after he had withdrawn again. „You wanna sit down and talk a bit, before we leave?“„Sure, why not“, I replied.We went to my livingroom/office and I took a seat on my white couch. The lamp, which stood next to it, enlightened the room. I still had a bottle of water on the table in front of the sofa and I offered Karl something to drink, while he sat down on one of the two chairs in the room.„You know, we have never talked about what. We did that by choice, Sir." Explain that please?"Well, we could really have been in the 1% of the 1% of our class, we held back intentionally." What the hell guys? You could have been on stage giving speeches? Hell, those kind of grades would have got you into any college you wanted, why burn yourselves?" First off, I've already locked up a full ride at UF in Gainesville, And our little girl here has gotten a full ride at UCF. You didn't think she was going away from you that easy did.
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