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My eyes were blurry from being so close and obscured by the cascading waterfall. He embraced me tightly and gave me a deep French kiss, exploring my mouth fully. His dick was now rubbing along the front of my pussy, turning up the fire within me. My backside was facing out now, so I wondered what others looking at the waterfall could see now, a semi-naked woman with soaked slip dress, garter belt, sheer panties, and dark tan stockings? Or, perhaps just a blurry form of someone standing under. Old Mrs Dawson would have a field day if she knew."Many a true word spoken in jest, two days later I was having a hair cut and talking to Ray Cook who was waiting his turn."I hope you are still driving carefully young Jimmy, I'd hate to book you so soon after getting your licence," he said with humour in his voice."No worries about that Ray, I need to have it too much to take a chance on losing it." Right there Jimmy, that'll be two and six son."I paid the barber and bid Ray goodbye, stepping. The car soon left, she heard it pull away, and a feeling of loneliness crept over her, along with the cold fear of slimy fat George, who she could neither see, nor hear.She began to quietly cry, her heels making her legs ache, her neck painful, wrists sore, belly still full, arse raw, asking herself if she would ever see home, Andy, or her master ever again. She wondered what price they got for her, she would have given anything to be under the master`s whip at that moment, or at home with. Dressed in nothing but a black silk body stocking, high boots and carrying a whip, she walked him to the room with studied deliberation; he could see that each step increased some hidden pleasure within her, his cock stiff with a submissive lust of his own as he watched her large and slightly saggy arse cheeks move in the black silk, the huge and wondrous thighs his head had been between so often, shining deliciously in the chiffon thin material.She turned at the door with a cruel sneer,.
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