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I’ve been hit in the head harder than this before.’ ‘Maybe,’ he said, ‘but not by me. I feel like shit.’ ‘Don’t beat yourself up. I’ll live.’ He touched my face. He was looking at the bump on my head with deep concern and it was at that moment I noticed just how handsome he was. He had thick, dark hair that curled just enough at the ends, deep, hazel-green eyes, a strong nose and full lips. I let my eyes travel over the rest of him and saw that he had a well-defined, athletic frame. When he. His slight pot belly went up and down as he inhaled and exhaled air. His thick, hairy thighs were covered with sun tan lotion. He put both of his arms behind his head and revealed his bushy armpits. I finally saw his big, suck-able cock hanging between his legs. I always knew Señor had a huge cock because he always had a huge bulge in Spanish class and ground his half chub against his podium. The dream changed to everyone leaving a couple of blocks down, all except Mr. Smith. I sneaked back up. During my love to her pussy she had 2 orgasms. Again i made her so horny that she literally begged to fuck. Then i took my dick and rubbed it on her vagina.She was getting hot and her love voices said me to treat her as my bitch. She was impatient to get fucked so took my dick and showed way to her hole. She then put a man force condom which she took for me. Then i entered slowly. I just inserted my tip and was playing with it and she was enjoying it. Then i started inserting my dick shaft and. She was getting mad by now for my cock, but same time she was enjoying and moaning hard.I kept my both hands on her ass cheeks and pushed it upside to open her pussy do lick it deep. My lips and nose also was wet from her pussy juice. Was enjoying so much.I moved from her pussy and went to her lips. Her juice was on my lips was so wet and I gave a smooch to her. We both were tasting her juice while kissing each other. In mean while I found my cock is her hand and she is holding tight. I felt.
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