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To Louie it looked like she had an idea."What is it?" Louie asked."You mentioned that the five men you turned were dead, and then came back last night as vampires, right?" Heidi asked."Yes..." Louie asked, not understanding her."What if that works with anyone dead?" Heidi asked.A look of distaste came over Louie's face, "You want me to drink from the dead?" No, no, no! I mean bite them, so they will be turned." Heidi explained."It's disgusting, but I suppose I could do that. If it works, I. I had straighten myself up at the hotel plenty of perfume to hide the smell of sex, I was wearing a little leopard print dress that Hubby loved. When he saw me get off the train I instantly knew he was horny, I was not that horny and my pussy was battered from being fucked 4 times. Hubby was all over me in the car, which started to turn me on again, and I saw his bulging erection, I couldn’t help myself and I played with it on the way home as he drove, before I knew it I was in a layby and. ..oh god no...He had meant to be there but.......I have broken down and will not get finished in time today. .....A wave of relief washed over me, and I sat down hard. I was so elated. I sent ‘ok’ nothing more just that. Sometime later I began to wonder if it was just a ruse, and a put off, so I spent the night on edge wondering, I was up before Jack and saw him off, a nice fine day, an early breakfast did little for my already nervy mental state, so when the phone began to vibrate I near. So far, there was only one room, Freaky didn't want to have the dustcloud blowing the rock dust out of the rocky gap in the daylight. Besides, they had to plan out their secret lair. Sunday had been spent drawing designs, and discussing ideas. Steetch had reminded the others that every secret lair has another secret exit, so they added that idea to their list. Hardcase wondered how difficult it would be to transport the rock dust to her garden, or to a central location she could get at. It.
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