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Just as I was about to send myself over the cliff, I felt something touch my face. Nick must be ready to go! Without opening my eyes, I reached out and grabbed Nick’s cock, only something was different. What I felt in my hands was not Nick. I opened my eyes and saw that I was holding a cock of mammoth proportions. It must have been ten inches long and thick as my wrist! “What the fuck?” I said, confused and horrified. I looked over to where Nick was sitting and saw him being straddled by the. Now it was just her. Staring at the picture of her sons that was her screen saver, she reminded herself that was how it was supposed to be. Children grew up. They started lives of their own. Her sons had done particularly well. All were successful in one way or another. The weight of the last nine months pressed upon Jill’s shoulders. It felt as if this load was heavier than any she had faced before. Loss and death hung about her as she looked into the unknown. She recognized that the problems. All three men readied themselves and began firing on Joseph's call. The woman fell and lay still after only a few shots, so the men congratulated themselves and moved on.As it happened, several of the women saw the assassination of the cop and began screaming. This started a stampede away from the dead cop, and several women were injured in the rush and crush. The trio was gone by the time the backup arrived and figured out where the shots had come from. A few brave, or was it dumb, souls. I wonder if I should give a false name, but quickly decide against it. She’ll soon find out if we lie, and then we’ll be in worse trouble. I think our best bet is to be honest.“Annie Harrison,” I say in a tearful voice.The guard looks at Sarah.“Sarah M-Morris,” she stammers.She writes our names on the form, very slowly. I think she’s enjoying this.Then she puts the pen down and looks at us. I may be imagining it, but there is almost the shadow of a smile on her face.“Well, you two girls.
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