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Iwas curious what it felt like to wear a girdle." Curious? Curious about my underwear? Why were you curious?" I don't know Aunt Caroline." Do you still want to wear my girdle?"I hesitated and Caroline said, "tell me."Disarmed I said, "well, yeah, I guess I still am curious." I think you must know why you're curious about girdles," Carolinesaid.She was a church going lady who went every Sunday and most of herfriends were church going ladies. I imagined that most of them woregirdles of some. I have never felt a more intense pain than Bill brutally shoving his 10 inch cock into my ass.
After he finally got his whole monster in he started to fuck my ass really hard. Fortunately I recovered from the pain quick as I realised that the feeling from being fucked by Bill was amazing.
Pounding after pounding Bill kept smashing his dick of my prostate and I was screaming as loud as I could.
I cummed way before he did and let out a massive moan whilst doing so. I started moaning at Bill. Physically, I found here to be outstandingly attractive, and when suffering I would focus on her beauty as a way of relieving the pain. Of course, I was often unable to see, as much of the time I had a very nasty, damp cloth bag over my head, preventing me from viewing anything.I absolutely recommend Madame Celeste, but only for real masochists who want to push their boundaries to the limit of human suffering. For those, like me, who have this madness, Madame Celeste is the perfect companion. Whatever be the reason, I was highly turned on. I decided to make my moves again. I took and elbow and softly brushed it against the edges of her boobs. She did not react and continued to lean.Meanwhile, I continued to explain the mobile applications to her.As I was doing that, I started moving my elbow slowly. She did not move but instead came closer and placed her hand on my thigh pretending to open some applications in the mobile herself. The mobile was in my right hand and my left elbow was.
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