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..?! NO!! Daddy, don't put it in THERE!! Not in my ASS, daddy!! OHGODNO!!! NO!!!! NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!..."Then I felt the head of daddy's cock press tight against my butt hole and suddenly it popped in like a cork! He was stretching my poor butt hole something fierce! My butt muscles were stinging!"Sorry, Sweet Muffin, but daddy needs to fuck you a new way. Daddy needs to feel his hard dick inside your ass, sweetheart. You tell daddy if it hurts, okay?"I couldn't say nothing! This was so dirty! It. ” Came the voice at the other end of the phone. “Now stop asking questions or master will have to punish you.” He says with a chuckle. “Here are your instructions, first put on the collar.” You reluctantly place it around your neck deciding to play his game. “Ok, now what?” you question him as you fasten it in to place.“Simple’ he says, “just get out of the car and walk into the house via the front door. Then we can get started.”You slowly inch your way out of the car. “God I hope the. I wanted him to fuck me right then and there! I was so nervous, and aroused, that I was shaking. Joe suggested a few drinks and I agreed. I pulled on a see through white slip over dress, grabbed a light coat to help cover me and out we went to the hotel's bar/restaurant.I didn't even taste the first two drinks and half way through the third tequila and lime when Joe said, "Lori, you don't actually have to do this unless you want to."I said, "I know." and finished my drink.I asked Joe if he. I was lost in the feeling of holding her naked body next to mine. Both of us softly petted the other and we sighed our pleasure together. It wasn't the pleasure of sex, but the pleasure of an intimacy that we shared so deeply it connected our souls."Outside for forms," Whitney said as she passed us with most of our casa following. "It will be fun. Don't be babies."I found out what she meant as we stepped out onto the cold, dewy grass and into the fog that blanketed everything this morning..
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