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Go for it.' To a cacophony of jeering laughter from the other guys, all of whom were just loving what was happening here, Roger's abject 'Yes, Miss Reynolds' was now accompanied by a passable impression of a nodding dog. Oh my god, this was simply hilarious, Melissa thought. 'There, you see. You can do it when you try, can't you?' she said, her voice dripping with condescension and contempt. 'I said, can't you?' Melissa prodded, conscious that she was simply torturing the poor guy for kicks. She eyed the giant cock before her with deep interest — just as the pink haired slut did.It was out of the giant's pants. He stroked it calmly with his fist."Like, I thought I was going to be your number one bitch!" the bimbo called Anni pouted."Puh-lease, sweetie," HoneyCunt purred. She licked her plump lips. "Master X knows I'm his number one sex kitten. Master Fink told him."HoneyCunt glanced at Anni and her pussy became wet.She really was a hot slut with her dyed platinum hair. Anni's. She instantly moaned and began to say something, but her words were muffled by Hannah's pussy, Hannah having pulled her best friend deep between her legs. Hannah smiled at me as she rubbed her pussy all over my Mom's face. I pounded my Mom hard and deep, pushing my Mother's face deeper into my other MILF slut's cunt. I never slowed down as I drilled into my Mother’s cunt hard and fast. My Mother quit licking her best friend and bellowed, “Oh fuck, Jeremy, I’m coming, harder Jeremy, make Mommy. 00 am in the morning when I wandered back to our room, carrying my suit in my hands, naked I pushed the key in the door with a shaking hand and opened it, I glanced into the bedroom, Julia was curled around Gerald in a deep sleep, I went into the shower and after a long time on the bidet where I washed the spunk out of me, there is only so much spunk that a vagina can hold and a lot of it had dribbled out of me onto the bed, some had dripped out as I made my way back to the room, then I stood.
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