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Sex"she blushed and said "well thats not that long besides my sex drive has sort of faded away" thats a big shame" i said"whys that" wendy said curiously to which i replied "because id love to give you one"she was shocked and at this point my gran walked through the door as i walked off back up stairs wendy saw the huge bulge in my pants and her eyes almost lit up.DAY 2:so after yesterdays encounter with wendy i wasnt sure if she would be back at my grans anytime soon but to my surprise she. Her tan hard body was amazing, but I had little time to think about that. She grabbed the bottom of my shirt and roughly pulled it over my head throwing it into the same corner as hers. Sarah d****d her body across mine, took my head in her hands, and began to passionately kiss me. Her soft hair, which smelled like lilacs, hung to the side. I could no longer see what Jane was doing but I could definitely feel it. This was too much to take, my mind was drowning in a sea of their feminine. She ordered a drink and turned to face her friend."I'm fine." she said. "Just had a little bit of a dizzy spell is all." She smiled, and Mika seemed convinced. She wandered back down the bar to where the other women from Leina's work were, leaving the blonde to collect her thoughts and sip on her Cosmo. She took a deep breath, still trying to slow the pounding in her chest.Leina had no idea why that man's eyes had such an effect on her. She didn't even know if he was actually even looking at. His breath, like momentary white ghosts, became highlighted in the wan, late autumn light.He had been there, contemplating, for two hours or, ignoring the chill and watching the day unfold. How he hated this Sunday each year, hated the march of veterans, but was drawn in some morbid fascination annually. Each year, he observed the file of crippled soldiers, long since passed their usefulness to a society, doing it's best to forget for the other three hundred and sixty four days, except in the.
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