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Sam thought about it a second, and decided that Kacey was right. It'd be much safer if they were sticking to what Kacey called "pressy kisses," because they could easily and quickly pull apart if necessary. "I think you're right, Kase. I sure don't want your Mom or Dad coming in and catching us with our tongues down each other's throat!" she giggled, hugging Kacey close impulsively. Kacey smelled incredible, even though Sam doubted she was wearing any kind of perfume. Her body smelled. It fell away releasing her breasts. They hardly bounced they were so firm but the nipples puckered even more. Leaning forward she placed her left nipple in my mouth and my tongue stated licking and playing with the nub. Her hands were free to start on my rejuvenated erection and this time she was less firm and her mouth came into play much sooner. We were not in an ideal position and Ms Haynes pushed me lower on the bed while swinging herself up and over my face. Her smooth, wet. I told James what happened and that she was coming over. Concern for her darkened the mood a bit but we were soon back to our usual antics. Shortly after, Renee walked in the door. Always a beautiful sight to see: a tall, Rubenesque blonde with an impressive bust and beautiful blue eyes. Unfortunately, those beautiful eyes were rimmed with red from crying.I stood up with arms spread, inviting her to me. We hugged for a minute, her sobs begging anew as fear started building inside her again.. The wooden one.”I suddenly felt tight in my stomach as well as my muscles. I had never been spanked before... well, unless you count on Mistress Tracy’s lap. But that wasn’t really a spanking. I was so turned on she could have done anything to me.Puddy tat ran back out from the cabin carrying a long wooden paddle. The paddle, itself, was a little under two feet long and about three inches wide before tapering down to a handle that had been slightly rounded and wrapped with leather for a better.
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