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It was hard not to remember how they had first kissed there, after Laura had sucked Rina's wounded hand. And then ended up fucking within minutes.Rina looked at her. "I don't want you to forget me," she whispered.She put her glass down on the sink counter. Her hands went to the buttons of her shirt, and she began unbuttoning. Her eyes burned into Laura's. She undid three buttons. More and more of her smooth, chocolate skin came into view. She undid the final three buttons. Then she slowly. “Isn't that Stockholm Syndrome?”“It could be argued, sure.”“Why are you teaching us it's okay to marry your abuser?”I had almost been impressed with the girl's insight, until that last question. “Excuse me?”“Couldn't you pick a different myth with more feminine empowerment? Why this one? Have you married an asshole that kidnapped you and you're looking for validation?”I stiffened on instinct. I couldn't tell if Blake was actually angry or just causing trouble. “I'm not married and have never. She eyed Cat's neck brace. "Don't you know what will happen if we're seen together? Get away from me." It's okay," said Cat. "They can't track me." Maybe you managed to ditch your watchers, but we're in just as much trouble if mine see us." You don't have any watchers. They track you electronically with your collar. Mine is shielded, so they can't tell we're together." You don't understand. I've already got one strike." I've got two," Cat replied. "Believe me, I wouldn't be talking to you if I. Twin Rocks Alabama gets its name from a massive rock thatthe Army Corps of Engineers blasted through to create Lake Alabama. Butdue to soil samples, it became a part of Twin Rocks River.."You mean???" Yep! that big old rock got split right down the middle and now looks likea pair of arrowheads with Twin Rocks River flowing through and around theTwin Rocks, forming a nice sized pool below Twin Rocks." Well, now the townsfolk enjoy diving off of the flat boulders and run theTwin Rocks Park with.
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