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We can call for a new draw anytime.”The others yelled. “We have a right to vote on that.”I stoked the fire. “I sent a distress call with my PDD just before that lying brat sent me dreaming. I am sure if Port security can’t find me they call in Union Police or even Marines and Fleet Security. Taking a fleet member hostage is about the worst you could have done.”Exa almost cried as she said. “He did tell me he was on his way to Arsenal. That’s Fleet HQ.”Another boy said. “Messing with the Fleet,. She was lying on her back on a raised platform bed that was in the middle of a large medieval castle-like room that was lit with candles and she could hear the sound of a soft waterfall in the background and music that she was unfamiliar with but she immediately liked. A very sweet and spicy scent filled the air.She heard a door open at the other end of the room and eight men entered one by one. Each of them very fit in his own way; some were very muscular others were less. Some had long hair. Her legs parted more giving me a better access to her vagina with my tongue. I was virtually nibbling the folds of her vagina i heard her moan in pleasure when my tongue touched her clitoris. She grabbed my head pressing and rubbing it strong against her vagina. I was glad that she too was enjoying this. She was now begging me not to stop and i felt her come and her juices where flooding into my mouth. I drank every drop of it, lapping it up from her vagina. It still was not over for me and i. Brushing my head against hers, I kissed along her shoulder and up her neck, until my teeth found her earlobe and bit it gently, raking over it. Her perfume was driving me mad, I wanted to feast on her right then. Now I spoke quietly in her ear again. “Do not disobey me again.” Holding both her wrists in one hand, I snapped the cuffs over them and released her hands, which fell against her back. I shuffled up close behind her, my hips only inches from hers. Kissing and biting her neck and.
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