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The closer they got to the vortex, the more the floor started to slope downward. The color of the souls near the base was dark, blacks and heavy colors that made her depressed just to look at them. Some of them pushed up for the massive judge statues, and as they approached the monoliths of stone, some of them changed color and started to drift upward. Others were cast back down, and rejoined the swirling pool of souls at the bottom of the crater.A crater the size of a city.Ridges in the black. I stood bent over the counter top in a semi-stupor, half asleep and not too sure what was happening, when he started again, this time more slowly and harder, but this time he was inside me and the Fuck felt more fulfilling.I was moving in unison with him now and working myself on his cock, not caring if I did appear whorish, I was close to cumming and that was my aim, when the kitchen door opened and he walked in.Still bent over and resting on my arms, being fucked, and trying to focus on the. “Gently, please,” she whispered as she laid on the table at a perfect dick height for me. “Agent Summers said that if anyone could enter me, it would be you. Hundreds of others have tried, and my body refuses to let them penetrate me even slightly. It isn’t something in my mind because I had wanted to mate with so many men, my body was ready for sex, and yet my pussy squeezed closed as if glued shut. There is something magical about you, David. My body is telling me to have you mate with me. I. We had a three week break coming up, Christmas and New Year's, and I was taking two of them and flying home for the holidays. I loved where we were, it was warm year-round, and the sunshine had done nice things for my tan, but I was lonely."Liz will be home for Christmas," Mom added at the end.I felt a warm glow. This would be perfect.Part, or most of the reason I was lonely was because of Rick, dick, or whatever I wanted to call him, some of them not very complimentary. I'd joined the company.
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