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His hands pressed in and ran up my sides, then again, his hands opened out. I knew his hands were going to pass over my breasts again. His hands moved down, pressing more firmly, and began to pass over my breasts. In that moment, I had a sudden, shocking thought. Was having my breasts massaged part of what I had agreed to? His hands moved around, up, and then down over my breasts again, catching my nipples, making them quiver and bobble about as I whimpered. Was he now doing what I had actually. Glancing over at Jen and Ree for help, she noted that they removed their towels completely, though they had draped the removed towel over their laps, hiding their midsections.“It’s more than that. I mean, I saw that you weren’t wearing panties earlier, and Jen said you were fidgeting like one of those kids that need calming drugs. What happened to the body shy Gwen who would not change in front of me two weeks ago?”Turning slightly on her side, lifting up a bit on one elbow as she faced Steph. Some thingswere even a bit better. For some reason it felt quite a bit easier to walkaround, and I noticed as I got into Julia pickup that sitting was verycomfortable, more so than normal. Odd. Perhaps when I had imagined my oldbody I had unconsciously changed something about my spine or hipstructure, removed some minor impediment to walking or sitting I hadn'teven been aware of.It wasn't until we were almost back to my house that I realized what hadreally happened.I'd asked Julia why she had. Their workers sorted the applications into the database on the server that Kyle and Lee had given the Dads to be populated. Iran and Ivan had happily set it up in the offices they supplied. It linked into the new satellites to the ship and the bigger server at Robert’s place.There were three parts to the database. The first section the workers saw and populated held the generic information. Once this was filled, Kyle’s program infiltrated the security and education networks of the countries.
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