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You are going to be such a good fuck, Kate!" He stroked and massaged the inside of her pussy, probing and exploring her.He took his fingers out of her, holding them up to her face and shining the torch on them. His hand was coated with her clear, slippery secretions. There were strands of it between his fingertips. He smeared some of it over her face, and licked it off his fingers."Now, what’s the best way to make you cum Kate? Fingers? Tongue? Vibrator?"He went over to his bag again. She heard. Buried to the hilt, I got comfortable, putting my hands flat on his firm chest, and I started to slowly fuck my husband. Grinding my pussy down and rocking forward hard at the bottom of each thrust. My husband grabbed my swaying boobs, cupping them at first before vigorously pinching and twisting my nipples. I quickened pace, our bodies slapping together with each strong stroke. I knew it wouldn't be a long fuck, but it would be a good one. "Fill me with sperm..... Spray me inside....... We live in a pretty middle-class neighborhood in Florida. The homes are nice and the schools are good. This kind of music was rarely heard in the area, and certainly not at 2:37am. I went to the room in our house closest to our backyard and looked out the window. I could make out figures moving around the pool deck of my neighbors house behind me and one house down. Their property meets mine on the back corner of my lot. The music was just loud enough to be annoying but not so loud as to. " Bullshit, with all this it is clear that you have planned to leave me here all alone. Don't you understand that I do not want any of your fucking money?"Now she was using the gun for pointing the papers. Shit! I couldn't remember whether it was loaded or not."Alex, honey. Please put that gun away." So? Now I'm 'honey' to you? I know now that you think I'm all dirty, and that thing you did to me was just an act."She was crying, now, and still wiggling the gun."No, it just is not like that. As.
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