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The logistics plans were complete; MRAPS, trucks, food, the sleeping buses, the 802s, water, fuel. The men were given times for assembly and locations.We had been working on logistics for the security zone and getting materials and equipment ready for it. We had everything ready to go including three staging points near troublesome border areas.Our agreement said that we had to complete part one before starting on the security zone. We initially thought it would take a month with the first. Hopefully just as good as the great outdoors,” Sammy replied to my fries’ inquiry and then added her own cryptic question.“It was nice outside, just not as good as it could get come spring break,” Lynette replied with an equally shrouded statement which caused a small sigh of relief from Sammy.“Now, the key question at this moment is; who, cough, cough, Brad, chowed down on my second P-B and J sandwich? Elizabeth, I’m sure you’ll want to clean your beau’s left hand before holding it on the way. He was told to stay hidden while a check with other departments was made.It took less than 30 minutes for a message to come back that these were Russian troops and an immediate investigation was underway as to how they got where they were. In the meantime, Jim, Jane, and Ajax should move as fast as possible away from their current location. For safety, they needed to be at least 15 miles away. A neutron bomb was to be delivered by cruise missile at noon tomorrow, and that was going to kill all. I answered telling her that her ass is so sexy and I would love to feel how it is to be in it. She then said oh ok, but she is scared it will hurt. I told her it shouldn't hurt at all if you get lubed up properly and loosened properly. She then said maybe one day once we dating. I heard the hint she threw and I then said oh so you really into me. She said yes I really like you a lot and would like it if you were mine. I replied saying that sounds lovely as I also like you a lot and would like.
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