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I couldsomehow escape and bring this information to the red team. They wouldturn me back into a man and we would win. But at this moment, all I caredabout was pleasing my man, my Nolan.At some point during the blowjob he patted my head. I knew I was doing agood job. And then, out of nowhere, he unloaded his jizz in my mouth. Isquealed with delight! As soon as I had lapped it all up he spoke to me."Good Job, Missy." He laughed. "Now take this tray and leave."I quickly crawled out from under the. He said “Go ahead dude feel that hot dick of mine, while I flush the urinal” I felt both the flushing urinal and Crawford’s penis through his blue swimming trunks while saying “It feels nice to be flushed down the urinal while playing with a black man’s dick. Every time I see that dick of yours my hand will go into the urinal, and I going to feel the hot piss against the porcelain, as I know I get a nice toilet style rinse afterwards.” During the time I heard another guy entered from the pool. “You know that her audio receptors could pick up our voices in here. And to answer your question I’ve been upgrading her protocols, and I also gave her an evolving data protection program.” Mage answered as he watched her pace the room. “You messed with her program. Do you know that she may well kill you?” Her anger was palpable.“Actually I just gave her a moral code and tweaked her AI to allow her to differentiate between good and evil. The protection program allows her to combat foreign. She must have crawled under the sheets in the dark this morning and sucked me. Before I could utter any words, she asked me if I liked what she did for me.Being stupefied and not knowing what to say, I got up and headed to the rec room to watch TV. My daughter thankfully didn’t follow, and she cleaned up the kitchen. As I channel surfed, my daughter came in and jumped into my lap and hugged me. She asked me if she did something wrong and if I was upset with her. I told her that what happened.
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