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Her breath is held with what she realizes is anticipation until he shoves himself deep and quick again inside of her and begins fucking her hard and fast. She thrusts back at him, fucking him with the same force and urgency. Their cries become animal, feral, grunting and moaning and crying out. “Don’t cum until I tell you, little girl. Daddy’s close. Can you feel it? Can you feel how much Daddy loves his baby?” “Fuck yes! I feel it! Please hurry! Please let me cum! Oh, god, I can’t hold it!”. It will eat whatever it can get its sticky drops on.”“Drops?”Sniffing the air, she quit shoving the mage around. “It has long spines on its arms and torso, each with a large drop of nectar on it. The drops are sticky enough to entrap a human if they touch you and also cause your body to go numb so she can gather you up.” The fox thought for a moment, “She should have gone underground already, food must be scarce.”“You know her?”“What? No, I don’t know her, but sundews are a common hazard around. Would you like to try something else. Ginny looked puzzled there’s more?” “Oh yes, see what I am doing is building you up for an orgasm, it is what’s called foreplay. Lets see what we need to do next is...” Hermione trailed off as she picked up her wand and pointed it at Ginny. Ginny asked, “So magic does have something to do with an orgasm?” Hermione paused, “Oh no hun, I just find that magic helps move things along a little faster, and don’t panic, what I’m about to do will startle you,”. She stood up and moved in front of him to give a loving hug to sooth his pain.His side-turned face nestled between her tits in a motherly way. Then she remembered she had not put on a bra since she was just going to be around the house. As his arms went around her back, his mouth brushed against her nipple, engorged from her many feelings. Without thinking or words, he fastened on it instinctively and an electric shock ran to her pussy."Damn, this poor man needs me as a woman," she thought..
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