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With a desperate quickness he scrambled off his futon and, small breastsbouncing, scampered with quick, ginger steps across the carpet to hismistress' bed. His slender, girlish fingers gripped the glossy, silkensheets and with great effort he hoisted his doll-like frame the four feetto the top of the canopied bed.His mistress laid dead still on top of the sheets with her sheer babydollcrumpled above her breasts. Her nude form bare to anyone who might givewitness. The intricate floral pattern in. "Oh, God!" she muttered. "It's so big and hard." Not taking her eyes off my cock, she finished pulling my shorts down and off my feet. As nude now as Lennie was, I moved up on the bed until I lay right in its middle, my cock standing straight up like the mast on a ship. Lennie got on the bed with me and crawled between legs and spread them apart so she could sit there Indian-style. Reaching out her hands, she put one around my cock and the other underneath my balls. "Rick, you thought my cunny. I believe nurses are not allowed to wear makeup. Yet she looked very beautiful without makeup and used to talk sweetly with my grandfather.Whenever she used to come to check the pulse and other things, she used to ask me to stay outside and once she completed her tasks, she used to come out and with a beautiful smile, she was thanking me for my patience.I sort of had a crush on her. I used to drink tea late night with all of these nurses and used to have a good conversation about many. I begin to work washing all traces he left off my body. After my bra I picked up my wrinkled skirt and saw a spot in the back that was obviously dried cum and tried to wash that off but it left a stain. I put on my wrinkled blouse and tried to fix my face. I did what I could with mascara and lipstick but without foundation all my efforts were in vein. I looked fucked-up. I couldn’t do any better so I left the room and returned to face my husband.I walked into the bar area and immediately saw.
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