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Scientists are predicting there will be more than one eclipse next week. Definitely two, most likely three and possibly four.” Dr. Tabitha had her audience enthralled and she decided to milk it a little. “Some Wiccan’s believe on a true blood moon - four eclipses - the Goddess Diana will come back to earth disguised as an animal. She will mate with a human who will become pregnant and she will be reborn.”“But if she is disguised as an animal it will be a she,” interjected Paul.“No,” said Dr.. I picked up my phone and dialled the number of my best friend, Sarah, Sarah was very attractive, tall, big boobs, long blonde hair and i knew for a fact that she was very horny. I talked to sarah about my plans and she agreed to it. I couldn’t believe it, my plan was going to happen, i was about to give Garry the best birthday present he’ll ever get. I called Garry and told him to come home early for his birthday surprise, i didn’t tell him what was in store for him though, i wanted that to. Looking back to him she held it up. "Could I try on a pair of this style? In red?" He quickly walked to her. "You'd like to try on a pair? Please. Come sit down. Let me make sure of your true size. They keep changing them, don't you know?" She followed him back to the area he had set aside for trying on shoes. It was behind a low barrier that blocked anyone's view from the shop floor proper. The woman sat down and pulled her skirt up over her knees. Fred was sitting on his stool, ready to. So this guy was married and out prowling around. I doubted he was bi. Maybe just a curious straight guy. We made some small talk getting more comfortable with each other. He admitted to being married. She was out of town with their two kids. After their second was born she basically gave up sex. He said she was a domineering bitch. He could do nothing right and she yelled all the time. He had decided to explore a desire he had for a long time. That’s why he was here tonight. We had a couple.
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