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"Interrogation!"Nicki felt words welling up within her. She struggled to control them. She ground her teeth to seal her mouth but there was no way to stop them from coming forth."I am so tired of vanilla relationships!" Nicki found herself saying, almost as if confiding to a friend. "I want to do something totally off the wall. I want to give myself to someone else and have them make all the decisions. I want to surrender myself without boundaries. I want them to use me totally." Such a naughty. We have no place to stay,” Jean insisted. “We just came out for the day, and Jim will hang me from my nipples if I’m not back.”“Garbage!” I announced. Then I asked Thompson for a phone and called Executive Aviation. Speaking to the president, Fred Hodges, I told him I needed a plane right away to bring Jim Dawson from Chicago to New York.“Jim Dawson? Hell, we just flew the women and the baby in this morning.”“You did?” I exclaimed.“Oh, sure. Because of tens of millions in business that Jim. "Does this feel good son? its been years since i touched one!" Yeah it feels good mam but its wrong!"She starts looking at my dick and smiles again. I give in and start to enjoy it a little. I look at my mam and say;"I love you mam" Mmm i love you so much too son, your such a big boy now!"She starts to tug on it harder and faster. I can't believe what's happening and I'm still shaking with excitement. I start thrusting my hips a little into my mams hand!"Thats it son"I stop thrusting and my mam. I kept an eye on them while I worked. I noticed that the boy had actuallypicked up one of the hairstyle magazines and they were now looking at ittogether. I guessed that the boy was about 9 or 10 years old, but hisfrail build and somewhat delicate features made it hard to tell. Hisoutfit was basically a gender-neutral, running shoes, jeans, and apullover top, but I couldn't miss that the colors were both well-coordinated and a bit on the flamboyant side.They were sitting close enough that I.
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