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Everything she had said came to pass. I heard the comments and the snide remarks and my friends all wanted to know why I was being so stupid as to waste my time on trash like Vonnie. Several even said that once a white woman fucks black men she will always go back to them. I knew better and I held my temper, smiled and let their comments roll off. The only serious trouble to come out of my relationship with Vonnie came from a couple of players on the basketball team. They cornered me one night. Makeup, slightly smudged around her eyes. She threw her coat aside. Bumfelt’s eyes roved over her. Fuck! She was all kinds of fine. Her pert breasts outlined, with erect nipples under the wet blouse. Slim waist and hips under the pencil skirt. Hold-ups, wet by the rain. Heels, making her long, slender legs appear even longer. “Fuckin’ hate rain,” growled Bumfelt, wiping the rain from his face with the back of a hand. “I love it,” smiled Fingerdoo, running a hand through her wet tangle of hair,. "I'm next!" Kari exclaimed, tossing her shirt and bra, up to the bar with yours. I sat on the bar, spending the next, few, wonderful minutes, pouring shots, and looking at breasts, while kissing hot women. Smiling, I listened to the song; 'Heaven is a Lot Like Texas.' "Yep. Sure is," I thought. Hopping down, I pulled you to the dance floor, joining Jeff and Kari. I unbuttoned my shirt, letting you snuggle your warm breasts against my chest, while dancing. Jeff, liked the idea, and did the same. As he parked, he moved his seat fully back. I didn’t waste any time bending over to his side and started sucking his hard, precum-oozing cock. He was quite horny already. He grabbed my head firm and started to shoot his thick load in my mouth. I sucked hard and kept on till it was too much for him, and he let go.I rolled the window down and spit out the cum. He was quite happy, and his cock was getting flaccid. I knew what I had to do. So I took off my t-shirt and revealed my freshly shaved.
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