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I try to respond but he only cuts me off by kissing me more "your such a tease, i bet you don't even wear panties" like i said i dress femmy, usually i wear something public worthy but today i wanted wear something a bit slutty, oh today im wearing a black, short shirt that goes right below my chest, a short mini skirt, and pink and black knee highs, no panties as my bf had guessed. He lifted my skirt and smacked my ass saying "i knew it! I bet all u do is fantasize about someone entering this. I will give you the pleasure and happiness which my dad couldn’t give you.So saying I kissed her forhead and slowly started to kiss her shoulders and neck and started to take of her clothes. She was enjoying it and in minutes she was fully bare standing in front of me. The sight of her big mounds made me mad and i just kissed and kissed the boobs! I saw that her nipples had become hard. I took her in my arms and made her lie on the double bed we had in our room!I then started kissing all over. I think I see a back pack up there, it doesnt look like its burnt. There is a suite case too! I exclaimed. Happy that I had spotted them so quickly. I stood up, like Teresa had, just high enough to stick my head out. I scanned the area, looking left. The plane had dug a deep furrow through the field, nothing but rubble and fire that way. Then to the right, just the ridge and the fence with the dead officer, I thought I should look and see if he had a gun. As I was about to start moving towards. He paused there, teasing me, until I couldn't take it anymore. The hand he'd put above my head moved of its own accord, tangling into the rumpled sandy mess of hair on his head and dragging him to my aching nipple.His tongue tentatively flickered out to graze the over-wrought nub at the same time that he flicked the opposite one with his fingers, and I writhed. He chuckled low in his throat, and the sound was sexy as hell. Applying himself more assertively to the task, he began to lick and then.
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