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As we walk pass the school, Arnel whispered to me if we can hang out soon and maybe have a bet on who is going to win on our spider fight. I winked at Arnel and assured him that we don’t need to bet, I told him that we can hang out and he can show me his favorite places. Chuck heard us, turned around and he grab Arnel. He told Arnel that from now on, he is going with us. Chuck continued since I am here only for a short stay, he wants to show me around and personally will give me the best summer. The guys would all sleep inside Brady's bedroom and he had lots of pump-up beds for his guests.The boys were watching horror films inside Brady's bedroom, eating crisps and drinking from a bottle of cola. The first horror film they all watched was Drag Me To Hell, which was about an old gypsy cursing a young Blonde bank secretary for not allowing her to keep her home. The poor Blonde protagonist has three days left before demons would drag her to hell. The second, and last, horror film they. Helena advised Fred of the calls and agreed if the figures look good they should expand here.Maria picked the three of them up in a long wheelbase limo. It took about 30 minutes to get to the airport private plane area. Melbourne traffic is poor during the after rush hour. They met Maria’s Uncle George. He showed them his set up and two planes. Richard check out the plane engines and standard furnishings. They were good but not to GCVA standard. Richard left them and went to bring their plane. What are we to do?"Victor's orders were very clear in this matter, but Charles had chosen not to inform his servant staff. He wanted to reserve the final decision for himself. "I will come take a look, and then I will decide."After dropping off Heather, Jason realized he would be dragging the Book around for a little longer. He did not want to return home until he was sure he would not have to go out again. He had intended to see Mrs. Radson on Sunday, but he had to take his mind off Melinda..
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