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Worried that things won’t go right.” “Why don’t we go upstairs and take your mind off of everything.” “That does sound like a great idea.” Jackie and the other girls walked upstairs to the Denise's bedroom. Once they were upstairs, Jackie carefully removed Denise’s clothes. All the girls gave Denise passionate kisses on her mouth. Their hands were all over Denise’s body. Denise was starting to relax a little, while they tried to loosen her up. “Denise let’s go over to the bed,” Jackie said. Alexander could smell the slight scent of her, knowing that she was being truthful. A light red stain came across her cheeks from saying that to him- she was blushing and completely embarrassed by it. Alexander pressed a kiss to her wrist and then to her hand. "Where I come from you are highly regarded. You are a female of worth because you are pure." Alexander paused and stepped back from her. "I only wished to welcome you into my home and wish that your stay is enjoyable this eve, Miss. “Ahhh!” I said, “Ohhhh yessss fuuuckk Master!”Then I felt him opening up my thighs, he was on his knees, and I felt his hard cock at my entrance.“Yesss,” I was just able to moan.“Ok Emma. Do you want your Master now?”“Yes Master. I want you to fuck me. Fuck me. Please fuck me!”His cock pressed right up against my pussy and he pushed inside me, touching the peg on my clit. I felt shock waves run right though me, the pleasure and the pain combined. I was in heaven. As wet as I was, his cock felt. "Barb! Oh God yes, Barb! Fuck me!" He reached out to guide his wife as she climbed astride and then reached for the light switch. The room was dark and he wanted to see his lovely wife. Using both hands the woman moved his cock so that the head was lodged at the opening of her dripping wet tunnel of delight. She moved down on his cock, never breaking their eye contact. She had a look of sheer concentration on her face, focusing her thoughts on the penetration of his cock into her innermost.
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