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"Stay between us, Ti. Keep to my right." She nodded. All three of us were nervous. I gave each a kiss and said, "Let's go." We joined the men who were making noise and playing up their "intentions." We had an audience including our guards who were watching and growing lustful. "Margie, Sharna, take off your clothes where the watchers can see. Make it sexy." I needn't have worried. Neither could do anything that wasn't sexy.Not only the guards, but also my men were panting by the time the two. ‘Looking for this?’ Her sultry voice as warm as the whiskey I sought, my own eyes lifted once more and settled on the bottle she dangled in my face. As her body moved to sit up, I was reminded of a jungle cat. Smooth and… well, Hell. I cleared my throat and nodded. ‘It was on your desk, hope you don’t mind.’ Mind? What was to mind? There was a strange girl in my office, who for all I knew could be a… fuck, I couldn’t even think of a word to fit the moment. My hand lifted and ran through my hair. For someone who was claiming to be fine she sure was acting like a lunatic. He sighed, dropping down on her bed on his back to look up at the cieling, a hand sliding under her pillow to rest beneath his head. Something cold hit his fingertips. That was strange. He sat up, twisting and lifting the pillow… a bloody razor blade lay beneath Madi’s pillow. He rose quickly, carefully wrapping hist fist around it and moving back to the bathroom. She had promised them all after Karl, he remembered it. ” I felt that we were in the same boat when it came to actually acting on our feels, and so we were left with spend what time together, thinking about, “What if.” One afternoon however, while we were working on one of her assignments, time had gotten away from us and when I looked at my watch, I said, “Wow, it’s late, we should probably get going.” As we both looked at the clock, Ashley smiled at me and said, “Yea,” and after a short pause the opportunity to be with her innocently presented.
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