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Ms. Barden was a sweety, but she never had been able to keep track of where her eye glasses were or to be fully prepared for much of anything. This evening was no exception. ‘I have to have a cake baked in an hour for a party and I find I don’t have everything I need. Can you help?’ ‘Sure, Ms. Barden,’ Joyce said with a sigh. The sigh wasn’t really for Eve Barden. It was in remembrance that Joyce hadn’t made it to Gleesons before closing to pick up that special cake she had told Christina she’d. His eyes fixed firmly on my breasts and the towel that was struggling to contain them, barely hiding the large nipples. He sighed and muttered some word under his breath that sounded like, "Oh fuck."Grabbing a robe, he kissed my forehead."I'm going to shower, a cold one, I think. I won't be long," He said, smiling before disappearing into the bathroom and closing the door.I heard the shower running as I hung up the last of my clothes and took the white robe from the wardrobe. Dropping the. I waited until all the other customers had paid for their purchases, and when she had placed a couple of cheap paperbacks on the counter and had her purse open, I held up one finger and said, "I'll be right back."Then I quickly stepped over to the door and locked it behind the last departing customer, and pulled down the shades for both the door and the display-window. She stared at me as I walked back towards her. Instead of stepping back up behind the register, however, I walked past and then. I dropped my shorts to the floor and started wanking again. I was soon erect, a couple of men online started messaging me and was soon enjoying dirty sex chat with them and looking at porn. I was so horny by now that about 30-40 minutes had passed and thought I need to head back soon but carried on a little more as I wanted to cum before I set off. Looking down at my phone and wanking hard I failed to notice a car heading towards me, the shock of not seeing it coming until it was practically in.
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