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Someone deeply in love.”“Exactly. I find it hard to believe that the young lady has let this happen to herself, especially considering her background.”Jeff raised an eyebrow and Whitworth went on. “I mean the lady who seems to be the proverbial ice maiden. She has shut down every guy who has made a run at her, at least according to the background check, and it was damn thorough. So, what the fuck has happened?”“Well, it looks like she has finally fallen in love,” Jeff offered.“With a lifer on. Sucking and biting, yes, I said biting on those nipples. Then I' gonna rip that blouse off and skirt throw you on my couch spread those legs and drive my head between them. Driving my tongue deep inside you and when you beg me to stop eating you. You'll be rolled over on your knees put a gag in your mouth so no one can hear the pain I will giving you as I begin to punish you more sternly with my paddle first. Then my bamboo whip. With each strike calling you what you already now slut bitch. The. I felt her breasts start to expand against my chest, and her butt turned into a double handful of sexy ass.Sherry told me, “Let her skirt fall to the floor. I’ll have her blouse and bra when I pull my hands out. Neither of them will ever fit over these titties again.”Marie told me, “Jerry, Sherry told me she was going to give me a shirt like yours - and if I wanted her to, she would give me a new body, even sexier than the one I came here with. I told her I wanted a body to match hers and she. The count slowly crept upward to ten, then twelve, then fourteen. It took a little longer before fifteen showed on the counter. Then, just as the counter flashed sixteen, all lights went out. Everything quit. The only light in the tent was the counter which continued to flash sixteen. When the lights came back on, the horse was empty.“Let’s go back to our dessert,” I said as the lights came back up. “I would like to hear your reactions to what you just saw.”A few minutes later, the caterers.
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