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She was a great kisser and soon found that she was on top of me and really going for it with her tongue playing with mine. I ran my hand down her back and over her smooth dimpled bum cheeks and gently stoked a finger along her bum crack. I broke away from the snog to wet my middle finger and return it to her bum crack, she took my head and continued snogging me while I worked my wet finger deep between the cheeks of her smooth hairless bum crack, until I found her puckered bum hole and push it. “And yes, here we have one slutty little pussy,” he proclaimed softly, fingertip skating a silky back-and-forth path on her labia. “All primed to take me to the hilt.” His middle finger popped inside and she gave a start, throat releasing a breathy squeak. His gaze almost seared her eyeballs as that finger stroked gently inside her.“You going to be a good girl for me, Brooke?”She could only mouth the response. “Yes.”“You going to do every damn thing I tell you?”“Uh-huh.” Her pussy was weeping. On a desk nearby, a computer screen glows with a blue light. Some small yellow writing can be seen, but the only distinguishable word appears in white writing at the top of the page. The word is ‘Sexuality’.Enter Carole, Stage Left, carrying a sack.Carole: “Well, I hope this job’s more fun than the last one!” she looks closely at the dozing figure “Wow, they really have got red necks then! I thought it was just a nick-name.” she looks closer, lifting the head of the lethargic man “Oh no, it’s. " That makes it easier. Anyway, the three of them charged me - Don and Junior side by side, with Gunner running in behind Junior. Don was the oldest and I guessed probably the best brawler, so I started with him. I poked him in the eyes just hard enough to temporarily blind him and to cause him a great deal of pain. He collapsed..." Hang on. How did you poke him?"I answered by extending my right hand with the first two fingers extended and separated. To make my answer even easier to understand.
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