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I enjoyed the feel of hot water running over me even more than I had before my latest time spent in the jungle. The showers on the ship hadn't been near as nice as the one in my downtown house.I dressed in very simple white cotton bikini panties from my own stash. Then I pulled on a gray tee shirt that actually fit me correctly. I was a little surprised to find that I could tell the difference in how clothes fit me. I wondered if I had always known or it was part of the tuneup. I just didn't. He walked over to his car then and pulled out a mat of some sort, putting it on the ground in front of her. As Amelia wondered what he was doing that for, he took her by her arms and pushed downward, making her kneel on the mat in front of him. He then took his gear belt off and put it on the hood of his car before unzipping his pants and freeing his rigid cock from his underwear.As he stepped close to Amelia again, he put one hand on the back of her head and pulled her toward him, while aiming. The jizz was flying everywhere. Fortunately she was experienced enough to know to keep on jacking. I’ve had women who immediately stop as soon as the cum starts squirting which of course ruins the orgasm. But she kept milking and milking my cock squeezing out every last dollop of jism. When it was apparent no more was to be had she dropped to her knees and took my wilting prick in her mouth and sucked the head like there was no tomorrow. I finally had to make her stop because the sensation was. Rebuffed externally, internally the walls to the Oval Office had shook with anger. Meetings with Security Chiefs ensued with many a coincidence that could allow dots to be joined if you wanted to believe. But it was not long before the Press Office took the brunt of the anger."An Administration fuelled by lust and illicit sex?" I question with a raise of an eyebrow. Reference to one of the many claims written within the features that followed the headline story."Cute intern,” she smiles with a.
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