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Janet was entranced. Her right hand moved along the soft fabric of the blue bathrobe and towards the center of her thong, which was exposed due to her open legs in the chair-Just then she heard footsteps pounding down the stairs. Janet shut her laptop closed and abruptly stood up to wish her tired husband a good morning. Janet loitered in the kitchen and feigned conversation with Aaron; meanwhile, her head was swimming with the details of the story she just experienced.She only had one thought. .. ? Roger, you... you BASTARD!" Kathy screeched.[SIX YEARS EARLIER:]Whenever Kathy thought about it later, whenever she tried to deal with her guilt, she remembered it as a combination of several things one after another—a kind of "Perfect Storm". Somehow that made it easier to forgive herself, to live with what she was doing.The first factor had been the "Seven-Year Itch," though for Kathy it came in Year 9 of their marriage. She and Roger had met while she was an undergrad at Indiana. ..About a year ago I met this woman on Facebook that I had an affair with about 6 years ago(2006) and we contacted each other and finally after about 5 months we decided to meet. We had always been attracted to each other sexually and mentally. But over the period she had gotten married and moved to WV about 40 miles from me. When we finally met at my place we kissed and sat and talked for a couple hours it seemed. She finally moved closer and kissed me again and that is where things got. As I lower myself to my knees, my hands clasped behind my neck, I realize that the room is quiet, the music of the club being shut out behind the door.I am kneeling in a small circle of a spotlight above me. I can see shapes of at least one person moving around. She lets my chain drop to the floor and moves away.“Well, gentlemen. Is 'she' everything I promised?” I blush as the stress on 'she', as my spread knees and nakedness make my gender very clear. “I expect you to use her properly, and.
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