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She looked about 5’6” like her mom and she had a stunning tall, slim, petite but athletic figure. Stephanie’s hair was long and dark with blondish highlights and she had large hazel eyes with long eyelashes. Everything about her was feminine, tasteful and sexy.“Wow, how long has it been? Only two year? But you’re all grown up and you’ve become a young lady!”She looked at me with a mischievous twinkle in her eye and did a ballerina pirouette and said, “You really think so? My mom still. My cupboard door had caught on to Manisha’s towel while opening and as soon as I opened my cupboard, I was on cloud nine. What a damsel she was! Awestruck, I looked at her.I immediately said sorry and she smiled at me.My hot roommate girl bent down and took the towel only to ask me to put it in the washing machine. Now Manisha was completely naked and didn’t hesitate even a little to remain that way.I was getting horny and Manisha saw it. Every passing second, I was getting harder. My 6-inches. Once again, the pressure in her groin area was building up. When his face got close to hers, she only slightly hesitated before kissing him fully on the mouth.Dan put just the first knuckle length inside his niece’s twat. He didn't want to injure the hymen that he had already discovered. God, he thought! What a beauty she is! It was all he could do to not indoctrinate her fully. She had big firm tits, a face of an angel, shapely hips, and skin unbelievably soft! Plus she was a horny little. . bored?!" Chris asked me as if that were impossible, slurring every word as he sat down opposite me. "Then ye s-should tot'lly hang out with us then!" With that, his head hit the table."You okay, buddy?" I asked him, attempting to lift up his hair."Yeah." he mumbled sadly. He had a tendency to be borderline bipolar when he was drunk. "I'm jus' usset." What's wrong?" I asked him."I'll never tell." he spoke into the table. I waited a few seconds, and sure enough, he continued. "It's juss ....
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