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I just watched them make out, even with the oral sex play. Oddly enough, I had to fully honor them with attention because they were another incestuous couple.I wasn't sure just where our relationships were going, but as I saw theirs getting stronger at that moment, so I adored them. I concluded that seeing them kiss each other was just as powerful as seeing them have sex.After a minute, Pete's lips jumped Sandra's. "Mom, I have to cum," he moaned before he got onto his knees and started. “Oh, Turn on lights (turn ignition if necessary), walk around car and check that the lights are on”, she replied. “That’s right, you deserve a reward”, he leant over and kissed her, slowly at first then more passionately as she responded by finding his tongue with hers. When they stopped she felt slightly dizzy and out of breath, she had never done anything like this before but she was really attracted to this handsome policeman sat in her living room. “OK next question, if you breakdown but. Her body kept shifting lower until I could feel her hot breath blowing softly over my swollen cock head. It felt cool as my cock head was wet with my juices. All I could see was the back of her head, her sooth back, her tanned hips and her sweet little butt as it moved closer to me. I continued to finger her wet pussy, her juices were flowing freely now as I rubbed all over until her mound was glistening.My room was full of mirrors as I love to watch my lovers from every angle. As I looked to. As the year drew towards the end, I started to get sad again. Soon, another group of my girls would be gone. I'd not been replacing them at the same rate as they left, and I doubted if I would recruit many freshman next year. It wasn't that I needed more for the sex, but I missed the friendships.I made it a point of spending a lot of time with those that were leaving, and I enjoyed them to the fullest. On the plus side, shortly after graduation there was to be the second annual JG party, and I.
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