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And that is the way it is meant to be."I looked at him with a bemused expression, knowing what he said was true, but still wanting to know what the future held for me. The moment stretched... until I nodded in acceptance and pushed myself up off the sofa, preparing to leave.Olympias removed herself from Merlin's lap, and, without warning, jumped into my arms and wrapped her legs around me. As she hugged me tight, she whispered in my ear, "Come back and visit us anytime, Daniel. There is nothing. Ami's best friend was named Susan and they, along with Mary, were in the backyard one warm spring night, swimming in the above ground pool. Susan had wrung the water from her hair when they saw a light flash on in the bathroom. To their surprise, the curtains were not pulled and there, standing in the light was Ami and Mary's dad. Apparently he was washing up for dinner. The girls didn't think much about it until they saw him take off his shirt. Now Ami and Mary had seen their father many times. There the story started….my driver name is surender where he looks very good and with perfect physic. Whenever I am entering the car the way he took care of me would be very decent.After the servant left , I said to my driver need to get some vegetables and he took me to city where we purchased all necessary provisions and back to home. While coming I said I am tired and would like to have some juice where he dropped me nearby fruit juice and he took little time to bring the same. I didn’t know. Sure, science and modern weapon were great... yet they didn't fare too well against magic. Without a doubt humanity held the edge when it came to pure attack power... but when it came to defence, they were really pitiful, especially with so many civilians to take care of.Demons on the other hand had no such scruples. Their magic defences could stand up to most assaults whereas their own attacks, while not as destructive as their opponents, were extremely versatile and variegated.Five years, in.
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