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Once inside the house I made my way to our bedroom. I don't know what I was thinking. I guess I expected David to wait in our living room while I checked on Jill. I had no idea he was behind me. I opened up our bedroom door and looked inside. There was Jill sound asleep on our bed, dressed in only a white crop top and a pair of purple satin bikini string panties. I went to back out of the room and backed right into David who was trying to look over my shoulders.Oh my God, David said softly. I. ..I mean, I not gay or anything, but he is a really good-looking guy even if he was a prick, and I sort of just instinctively looked. "'Sup dude?" he asked, and sort of looked around. "Hey Mike, you got any more paper, man?" "What’s that?" I asked, still sort of transfixed by his body, and the obvious bulge in his boxers...I knew he was hung from what I'd heard around, but I had never seen him naked."Paper?" He just stood there for a sec and gave me back a sly smile. He really was a handsome. "You know where I can find John?" the fella asked. "I need to see if I can store my rafts in his shed for the winter." It would have to be the east shed," Jack said."Why not the west shed?" I keep my airplane in that one," said Jack."Well ... maybe I can talk John into letting me use the west shed and you putting your airplane in the east one," the large muscular guy said."If you're lucky you'll be able to use the east shed." Jack wasn't liking where this was going."How would I get ahold of. Not a single shred of clothing. And two, I find my cock, fully erect, resting in my cleavage, hard as well, leaking precum. I know I'm futanari, but I didn't have a cock this big before. By the looks of it, I would say 16 inches and it is very close to my mouth.I attempt to push it off my cleavage, but the moment I grasped it, I released a shot of precum on my face. I gasp in surprise, not realizing I released a second shot into my mouth. Never tasted my precum before, and boy was it.
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