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So who have I just had the pleasure with Jane asked. “I’m Carole” I replied and Brian answered “I’m Barbara”, we then lay down and slept. When we awoke we dressed, and after arranging another love feast, got on with our work. I now visit as often as I can. Oh yes the fault was the battery charger for his dildo batteries. One evening I called round, but Barbara had to go out to a meeting. So Jane and I spent the evening getting sexually exhausted till Barbara came home. We left a note in her. The official ringmaster of the pickup circus was Master Gunnery Sergeant Raymond Budzinski, a veteran of wars both on Earth and among the stars. He was one of a handful of Confederacy Space Marines who had faced the Sa'arm in hand-to-hand combat and survived. He was an outstanding combat marine, but he had been outmaneuvered by the librarian and her co-conspirators. Budzinski had thought pickup duty would be like R&R, but had come to despise the assignment and longed to get back into something. Two hours later, he was sitting in the upstairs cocktail lounge waiting for Helen. He was only drinking water at this stage replacing some of the fluids he had lost during his exercise.Right on time, Helen came in, spied him sitting at the same table they had shared last week and came over to him. He stood up to greet her, enjoying looking at her slim body, wearing a dress that showed plenty of very attractive flesh and wearing her hair in away that made her look older than last time. She could. And true to my thoughts, your impossibly tempting eyes pin me still. “Your stomach’s pretty as the rest of you. But don’t tell me this is the point you start to go shy on me,” the words are darkly seductive, made more so by the last of your toys to be unpacked: a gorgeous harness with fastenings all over. My eyes may betray me in their naiveté, even as the chiffon fabric glides down over me again. It is better to shimmy out a gown than pull it over. Your approval gleams brightly as the setting.
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