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“Will you sit with me at lunch today.”My eyes flashed open. All at once things were a lot more clear, but no less complex. We were definitely drifting into in boyfriend/girlfriend waters now, no question. I was just thrilled to hear her ask me instead of hearing Lexie simply to demand it of me. But what about my crew? I couldn’t simply abandon the guys, and well, the girls.I leaned in close and touched my fingertip once to tap her left dimple. “How about this? Would tomorrow be OK? I can’t just. I shoved my fingers in me to rub it, as Mary started fucking my ass hard.I could feel another orgasm was starting to build up in me. Mary moaned out louder. She held me tighter, pulling me back harder with every pump. We both moaned out loudly as the orgasm in me started to take hold. I felt the heat in my ass, the warm cum shooting up in me from behind.I was starting to lose my sight, the lights in the room grew brighter. I could feel heat on every inch of my body. As another strange feeling. I walked to see Miem's ass was red and raw. "That's the first one." I laughed sat fliming and sipping my beer.2 guys walked up and pulled Miem by the hair. "We are all friend her cunt. We know how to totally fuck a slut like you." They lifted her by the legs. Pulled them wide. I figured that she came 5 times form one guy.Turning the fucking cunt whore around Miem came hard again. On the floor 2 other guys were laying on the floor, There cocks were 10". Holding them together Miem was carried to. But she did not do any such thing.A casual conversation about what I dis and where i lived went on.And I walked beside her to her car which was parked in the street 15 minutes away.I was a nomad of sorts so it did not matter where I was going,I only had to pass time.As we approached her car,I again called up my friend and he did not pick up my call even this time.Ravneet,that her name was,asked me what I was gonna do now,to which I said roam around ,till i get tired and sit down down in some.
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