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You could feel my cock begin to throb after a while and I pulled my cock from your mouth. I tell you it wasn’t time yet but you will get your prize soon my pet. I could see your face was getting a little red and I ask you if you were ok. You told me you were ok and like a good slut always followed an answer with “Sir” I knew the f***ed oral and the collar being a little tight was allowing the bl**d to build in your head. Again, I pinched and rolled your nipples making them extremely hard from. Across his mouth a thick round bar, held in place by a strap around his head, acted as a bit gag. It pulled uncomfortably at the corners of his mouth. In the middle of the bar a hook was fitted. This served to hold the strap of Mary Tang’s handbag, allowing it to hang conveniently accessible for her. She unfastened the bag and drew out a scent atomiser, using it to blow a cloud of scent into her hair. The slave held his head back, making sure the bag hung clear of his body. Tossing the atomiser. The owner looks around and says, “With you cleaning me out I can pack what’s left on my wagons and head to California. I dreaded the idea of having to wait while I slowly tried to sell this lot.”Will asks, “What will the people here do for a store after you leave?”“At the west end of town is a new dry goods store, they’ll go there! All the really good people have already left or are about to leave, and I don’t care about the rest getting overcharged by that thief.”From the tone of the reply. It is then that I feel so much less than human. Like I am an animal?no not even that good. Just a fucking slug. An eigheen year old slug. So anyway, I reported to school the next day to carry my brother's books home for him, and he told me to follow him back Into the school which was strange cause I already graduated. He took me to the boy's toilet and showed me a stall with an overflowing toilet that would not was filled with dark runny shit and toilet paper. He smiled at me real.
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