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The girl jumped, quickly looked up from her laptop and pulled out one of her earbuds that was blasting music, "What was that, Ken?" She sweetly asked the teen with a warm smile,Mindy Long was Kenny's best friend, hands down, the pair had been next to inseparable since they first entered schooling altogether. They were the first friends they ever had and that was never going to change, the pair agreed on that entirely. As Kenny relayed the information to the girl, Mindy pulled the other earbud. The trip to Hinley shouldn't be too bad this time of year. The ski season hadn't started yet, although it would in a couple of weeks. Bob noticed an occasional snowflake but they stopped by the time he reached the county road.In Hinley Bob decided to get dinner in the lone restaurant that was open. As he walked into the restaurant he stopped to talk to several of the locals that he knew. After the pleasantries he moved to a booth and sat down and waited for the waitress. Bob decided to order. "Now are you going to give me what i want?" he asked. "What do you want?" i teased. "Your cock... and I want you to fuck me right here... make me your bitch." That actually got me pretty horny as i went ahead and slid out of my clothes as i pulled out my cock. "Suck it bitch..." He quickly got on his knees and started sucking my cock , looking up at me and then going back to focus on sucking my cock. Spitting me out and stroking my cock while he sucked my balls , licking them. "you suck cock so. They have filled the void; I am whole again," I said"Girls, come on in here, all of you." They came part way into the room; I patted the bed for them to come sit on the bed with me. I pulled Jen to sit next to me."This is Jenny; my girlfriend and lover. She is staying here with me," I said.I had my arm around her holding her close. I was shaking and didn't want Jake to see it. I didn't know what Jenny's reaction would be at the revelation that she was my lover, but I need not have worried. She.
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