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Looking at her it was hard to believe this 23-year-old bundle of energy was Mrs. Xan Roachcutter and the mother of a seventeen-month-old son. However, when you met little Jax Roachcutter there was no doubt in your mind he was Summer's son. David fervently hoped that young Sara Ann Reed-Powell-Kinney would be just a little more sedate.Young Sara was the apple of both her fathers' eyes. Born the morning of April 7, 2140, she had Marilyn's green eyes and brown hair like both her fathers. Neither. It felt lumpy, but I wasn’t sure what I was feeling.“They were designed to cover up scars,” I was confused at first. When I saw tears spill onto his cheek, I started to understand some of his caution, the sadness I saw.“Oh, god, sweetie! I am so sorry,” I felt the tears streaming down my face. I heard some gasps and a few expletives, as it sunk in with the others. I caught Sam out of the corner of my eye, although she was crying too, she was smiling as well.Luke looked at me with his head. The very wealthy, as ever, had different arrangements."If I could arrange somewhere, would you come?" he asked."Only if you are a good lover," she replied ambiguously, and walked out of his office.'That will do for now, ' she thought, 'If he is serious something might come of it, but if he is only trying it on, the demand for an apartment will stop him.'Staring at the door, Alan thought, 'She was totally in control of that conversation. She even made a pun on her exit line. This is something. You're completely undressed, biting your lip and moaning slightly as the thick monster fills the chick with cum, bloating her stomach as your bedroom door slams open and your aunt cheerfully greets, "Hey James, how's it - OH! FUCK, SORRY!"She slams the door shut. Face beat red, you growl to yourself, "Good job, idiot... Damn it!"Quickly putting some clothes on (your cock already limp inside your jeans), you hesitate, but open your door to face the music. Wendy is sitting on the living room.
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