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Seeing the hatchet in one hand and the spear shaped rock in her other, his eyes widened to show stark white surrounding the blue of his irises. Not wanting to hear recriminations, pleas, or screams of pain, Mary hoisted the skillet with both hands and brought it firmly down against his head once again. With a hollow sounding thud, the blow knocked him out.Once again Mary leaned over the unconscious body of her lover. With the delicately arched fingers of one hand she held his upper lip back.. She instinctively parted her thighs slightly giving Simone’s hands more room to work. But to her disappointment, the blonde didn’t seem to notice and she moved upward eventually back to Gabby’s shoulders. ‘Okay, you can turn over now,’ she said as she walked over to table to the lotions. Gabby was now lying face up bare breasted and her nipples were a bit stiff from the cool air. She raised her head and looked down to see her bare pubic mound and pussy lips peeking out between her thighs. She. I thought how I could best serve my sexual needs, deciding the beach was a good start. Getting myself ready and doing my internal cleaning, I was ready to head out around 11 am. Its a short 5 minute drive to the beach, I noticed around a dozen cars in this car park, and like we have found out before lunch time was always busier. As soon I got on the sand, my short summer dress came of, now nude, I walked slowly along close to the dunes, seeing guys heads popping up as I got near them, I smiled. She just sat on my couch with a haunted expression. Not crying, nor whimpering nor talking, she just sat there bleeding and suffering."Have you been raped? Who did this to you? Audrey, what has happened here? Talk to me, Annie." I said.She only said these words, "Not raped, boyfriend beat me up. He's stoned and lost it with me." She offered no other words.I guessed they had come back to Colorado over Christmas and probably had mixed it up some after smoking some weed and drinking too much at.
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