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She then slips out of it and let it fall to the ground. She tried to coverher breasts with her hands.?There?s no need to be shy? the woman laughed.?proceed, now the panties!?Tina had no choice. She grabs into the waistband of her panties andslowly peels the panties down until they fell to the ground. With her otherhand she instinctively tried to cover her pubic area.?That?s nice kid. I see you?ve developed well for your age.??Why? Why do you humiliate me? Why can?t I keep my panties. I reached the point of coming, but I didn’t. I knowI groaned. And still the tension built. I know it’snot possible, but my penis felt as big and hard asa baseball bat, but still the tension built.Still they stroked. At each passage my strainingpenis throbbed and jerked, and I felt anotherstring of pre-fluid course through and out. At onepoint I actually heard it drop on the exam table’spaper cover.The fingers never relented – never rushed, neverslowed. Again and again. “Naturally, we should. Also, anyone who wants to live here with us, feel free to do so, for as long as you wish. Mi casa es su casa, just ask Konrad ... and Nikos ... and Brett ... and Sammie ... and Katie,” Jack assured us all.“And Christy and Ronnie, I hope,” Christy interjected now with a predatory smile on her face.“You just want a daily dose of dick, don’t you? A daily dicking down,” Ronnie teased her.“Yep, and you’ll have so much pussy on tap that you won’t know what to do with it,. But she walked right up to me, she bent down to put her mouth on my ear, and then she whispered this to me:"Take me home and fuck me."I turned to her and smiled. "Really? You're not playing some kind of joke on me, are you?" Her answer was the one I wanted to hear. "Yes. Really. You're the cutest guy in this bar. And I want us to go to your place right now so you can fuck me. Unless you're gay, you're not gay are you?" You'll figure out the answer to that later tonight."I had to pee so I.
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