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I figured the ready to use Fleet cartridges would be the easy answer. If I bought an enema bag and either of my parents found it I would have a lot of explaining to do.I slowly inserted the tip of the Fleet cartridge into Moe's dark hole rotating it as I did. I squeezed all the liquid from the tube into her tight little ass telling her to hold it in until I told her to release the liquid. After about five minutes I excused myself so she could have some privacy while she expelled the liquid and. ”“But…. I can….you said touching, not….that.”“I believe the agreement was any and all sexual activities. The agreement also states if you refuse, not only do you go to prison but I take possession of everything you own. Your arse your cunt your mouth belong to me to use as I see fit. Now suck my cock and be happy your not going to prison.”“You bastard. You conned me.”“And you stole from me. Now do as your fucking told. Suck my fucking cock.”He lay back in his armchair smiling as I hesitantly. Okay." I know."Adrianna and Lexi explored as Damon and Sam spoke later, after breakfast. Damon knew by the way Adrianna was spreading her wings over Alexandra that he had no problem getting into a relationship with the beautiful brunette."Adrianna has a gentle heart, even Lexi likes her," Sam remarked, Adrianna and Lexi were walking in the distance."Sam, I will adopt Lexi immediately, she will know she has a home if there was any doubt." There wasn't. Damon, these last three years." Sam paused. Then as if I just became ever so brave I reached my hand a touched her tanned leg, I slowly ran my hand up her legs and around her waist, she then said, "It is ok, you can touch my flower if you like, I am very wet, you know?" I looked in her eyes and I swear I could feel her. As I slowly allowed my hand to find its way between her legs she opened them and I could feel her warm and moist pussy lips, she was so wet. As I slid a finger up in her and found her G-Spot, she held my cock firmly in.
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