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She came in my mouth.Me: Mom, you pissed on me.Mom: No son, it is why I was in pain. It came out.Me: Wow mom, then the pain is gone, right?Mom: Yes son, yes.Then I came up and hugged her. She gave me a deep kiss on my forehead and then we both slept.The next morning, I woke up.Mom: Get ready. We have to go to the hospital for a checkup.I started to cry like a baby. “No I won’t come, they will put injection”.“Don’t worry son, there will no injection, I promise”.We went to the hospital and the. We had a brief nursing session before heading to dinner atCrystal Hall."We have so much homework to do..." I complained as we left and ourfriends mentioned getting together and having fun with things."Yes we do," she agreed morosely.After dinner we both worked on homework for the rest of the night. I washappy though that I managed to get all of my current homework caught upfrom the weekend and had read through most of the stuff I'd missed inMagic Theory and Magical Arts. I watched Hannah. But his loss is my gain.Jennifer’s legs held tightly to my waist. “Baby, relax a little but don’t let go. I’m going to hook my arms underneath your legs.” I worked my arms so my elbows locked in behind her knees. This put more of her weight on my arms, but I could control her better this way.“Hey, sissy bitch. Take my pants off.”“Yes… sir.”I felt his hands undoing my buckle.“And don’t touch nothin’.”“No sir, of… course not. You’re only for her.”I stepped out of my jeans. “Boxers too. What did. ‘Soon,’ she whispered, ‘soon.’ She kissed my cheek as we huddled together in the little cave. ‘The VC seem to be all around us. How the hell am I going to get out of here?’ I asked her. ‘I have heard that the SEALS will rescue you and take you away. Take me with you! Please, please.’ I couldn’t talk myself into leaving her in the mountains. I had become very fond of her. Besides, I belonged to her! ‘Of course I’ll take you with me. There is no one left to save you.’ She snuggled into me and.
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