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Succeed or fail, they can draw unwelcome attention from Saddam Hussein for an excess of initiative. Sergeant Cromwell and I thought we could make a substantial difference in the war if we could take out Iraqi C and C. So, we elected to make every effort to complete the mission, even though we could probably have returned to base without reprimand." That's ... admirable, Sergeant." Thank you, sir." The sniper looked straight forward, as if the speech had worn him out, a faintly unnerving smile. Again, an almost boyish charm showed on his face. Not the seriousness she had seen many, many times in videos. This wasn't his 'public' face."Well, let me explain..."Dinner ended and they left the restaurant feeling a little more at ease with each other. That is, until the valet brought the car around. When she slid in the leather seat and they sped off, she sensed he was about to ask something. There was no music on in the car. The only sound was the swishing sound of the rain beneath the. The other five looked to be in real bad shape."There was another tree and it had three chains attached to it. One of them was around Michael's neck. He looked OK. There's a bruise on one cheek, like someone slapped him pretty hard. He's dirty as all get out but I didn't see any other damage and he seemed to be able to move around alright."The other two chains were tied to a couple of women. It's hard to tell but one looked about 15 and the other was 17 or 18. They were both naked and were both. ’ At some point in time someone is going to tell us if the material was delivered and as advertised, then we are to proceed and I will tell you and you will sign the immunity deals. That is all you get.”Lucius stood up, “I need to speak to my clients and tell them we are ready to proceed.” With that he walked out the door leaving the two other men glaring at each other.“One of the reasons I use Lucius is that he often is willing to take his fees in ... barter.” The east side of the private.
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