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Nothing is pierced.“We’re going to figure out what kind of woman you are.” Reyna snaps her fingers, and June and Maria move away from me and crawl to her feet on all fours. “Are you a goddess or a slut?”“What?” I ask, rubbing some of the sleep from my eyes.“There is an easy test. Look at my little June. Stand June.” June immediately stands facing me. Her face looks desperate and hungry, but she’s also proud of herself. “June is a slut. Isn’t that right, June?”“Yes, Mistress,” beams June.Reyna. Of course, the house she was living in belonged to a guy she met on an escort date that was doing a year and a day upstate for writing too many bounced checks. He turned out to be an easy date because all he wanted was a hand job and to shoot his business in her face. That didn't bother Dee in the least little bit because she had this attitude that made her hate herself so much she felt she deserved to have guys cum shooting right onto her pretty young face. She made a lousy escort girl because. Jake took one more glance at Kyle’s door and sighed. They had grown apart the last couple of years, but they were still like brothers. Jake left the apparently resigned to the knowledge that Kyle would be staying away yet again. The room was stiflingly warm at the moment. Kyle rolled onto his side so that his back was against the cool wall. Stretching his arm up towards the ceiling, he bumped his hand against it. Kyle considered opening his eyes, because he remembered the ceiling being higher. "They went to the nearest of the town's four saloons and got a beer. Leaning back on the bar, they eyed the saloon's clientele. A grinning Sean said, "Don't none of 'em look like rustlers to me. What do ya think?" Nah, too tame." Ya shouldn't have said that, Ezra. Looks like some yahoo just slit open that jasper's belly. Back me up."Sean put his beer down on the bar and walked over to the man wielding the knife. "Now, why don't ya put up that frog sticker and tell me why ya knifed that there.
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